miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


According to Ryan Weber and Nick Hurn, The goal of concise writing is to use the most effective words. Concise writing does not always have the fewest words, but it always uses the strongest ones. Writers often fill sentences with weak or unnecessary words that can be deleted or replaced. Words and phrases should be deliberately chosen for the work they are doing. Like bad employees, words that don't accomplish enough should be fired. When only the most effective words remain, writing will be far more concise and readable.

Exercise on Page 100

Adam Smith, the founder of Modern Economics, proposed a theory in the eighteen century that has made him controversial ever since. Smith was born in Scottland and educated in England, wrote the first study of political economy. The wealth of nations was published in the same year that Americans declared the independence from England, in 1776. Smith’s book pointed out the interdependence of freedom and order, economic processes, and free trade laws. Although his thinking did not really affect economic policies, its influence in the next century was considerable. “The invisible hand” and “Laissez-faire” are synonymous with Smith’s name. Business people will smile and make a response like “ He was a good man- really understood how business works” if you say “Adam Smith” the opposite will happen if you say his name to liberal reformers, they will say “ He was an evil man really sold the average citizen down to the river”. Both reactions are extreme but they responses indicate how controversial Smith’s ideas are now.

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